Big Grey Monster

yh.16 till 19thmay'10.ex-jss4409and26thSC.posted to SAJC, appeals successful to JJC, 10S19. is hoping that she dosent regret.


Layout: vehemency
Icon: reruntherace



Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 3:28 PM

stucked at home now. just had iq camp ytd and the day before. not bad, nice plot, nice acting, but i almost vomitted blood out, haiz, nvm. also a farewell party for sec 4s, danced reach(again). bbq-ing was fun but i din get to eat till my chicken-sadded. not much appetite anw. bus-ed home. tmr's gg to be a horrible day with 4 hrs of choir and a new instructor. lol. sian-ed.
the thing that i hate most is to be woken up from my slp by human causes. ytd and today, not too much of the same situation but both woken up. i slpt at like 2 plus 3 ytd, woke up at 4 coughing, coughed till 5 and decided to suck my sweet to soothe the coughing. but was woken up by a bunch of noisy 6. decided to wake up since i find no peace and no point slping so might as well go and prepare breakfast. today. door slamming action happened again. feel like shouting but no point. asince she wun understand as well. waste my energy.
i dk what i shd do. i rly dun wan to go t. and i dk wad to do?! putting asisde evtg, think i'm rly hainv real holiday now but i'm nt quite enjoying it? nvm skip that part, i dun rly know how to enjoy?. go shopping but make the better out of this holiday. off to think in this lost island, while enjoying the peace of haing NO ONE at home. cheers
can someone tell me what to do?

Sunday, November 23, 2008, 4:49 PM
what time isit?

lost in time.
after shanghai trip, not as enjoyable that i thought it would be. fighting with the myself. i cant win. 9 days in shanghai seems to have gone in a flash. flashes in my memory seems to be fading, anyway i dun really want to rmb. nxt up is star camp, hope i have an enjoyable time. wished i didnt exsist.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 4:15 PM
more that ONE WAY

the day started off pretty badly. yes as in ya, pretty badly. thanks to the unity of our class 3/4, the wonder coordination withou even communicating much, that all led to one conclusion of driving the teacher out of class. so no el in the end. surprisingly mrloh came in. we all thought that he knew wad happen. but... nvm, being called out with sj anw. stumbled around. putting on the tweety bird pose=.= lol. haiz. i dunno how to explain.

for the whole maths lesson, my heart wasnt even there. anyway my heart was nvr at maths lessons. recess, erm like sine when did i start to have recesses=.=

phy, another surprise, as though nothing happen. skip. the guitar part was cool. hahas not that the guitar was cool, it was the music that came out rather than noise pollution. and the buzzer thing. hahas, was so afraid that it might explode. waves was overall not that bad.

break time, looked for somebody, and went to sc room to slack. ate a few biscuits, they are my lifepreserver for these hols. HCL, tmr is o's and i am happily bloggin here. hah/

guilty for today's incident, i will speak the truth nxt time... sry mrloh.
忍一时风平浪静, 退一步海阔天空。我学会了。

祝所有高级华文 友,明天一且顺利。off to study=)

Saturday, November 1, 2008, 10:08 PM
physically tired, mentally exhausted, emotional breakdown

so many things have raced past like a racing formula 1 car. with twists and turns all over the place, the race of this hols are not over yet. and the fact is i dun even feel like its the hols at all. star stuff, open hse, shanghai trip, blah blah. so many things to settle and i cant depend on my trusty memory anymore, i need an extrenal hard drive coz even my 16gb thumbdrive is not sufficient to store things inside my small lil memory

open hse, i think i shd skip this part. the whole thing was ok but my experience wasnt that ok. came out with new acronyms for STAR/ i shant insult anyone here.. scrap open hse.. thx teachers for the free pen. i will utilise it fully for my o's one wed.

bought most of my things for china trip ald. just need to pack and wash my slingbag. haiz need to settle filing and passports. thinki cant attend my ap in peace.=.= on mon.

this trip. with a mixture of ppl. i dunno wad to do. be myself. i wish i wasnt on this trip at all. there are definetely more deserving ppl in this trip. i dun understand why ppl can hate us so much i have rly no comments. i cannot split myself in to 2 although i wish, if i am asked to drop one, i think i would choose to drop myself. i just want to be myself. physically tired, mentally exhausted, emotional breakdown. what shd i do. be myself or go witht the flow.

为什么事情会搞到这种地步,真不像这些事情发审单我又有神么办法,该发生得没有发生,不该发生都发生。 我该做什么。 我的心愿:“做个正常的人,走一条平常的路”。