Saturday, June 27, 2009, 8:12 PM
heal the world, make it a better palce
amused by the wonders of humans and the world. i wished that everyone was transparent, see-through personalitites hiding nothing, no masked characters. i don't understand why they want to do this because the race we're running is nt against anyone, bt yourself.
Friday, June 26, 2009, 11:46 PM
suck that porsche
BUMBLEBEE! haha he's so cute and optimus prime is just another, benovelent lead lol la, studied at mac again today and watched transformers2 with sy and wy, sry i kept laughing haha, bt its funny wad.. haha bumblebee is so cute! and the twins and the old decepticon is kind?! kinda touching, haha i cried, ok teared. funny moments. and i laughed all the way when the leader said, i optimus prime will blah blah blah, lol suppose to be confriming and convicting i laughed ATW(all the way) lol haha another 3 more days! ppl think i am mad.haha perhaps i am. smile more love the world and dun forget to love bumblebee!
Thursday, June 25, 2009, 9:03 PM
up, up, and away...
swing away all your troubles ok bet u can guess wad i did today, and anyway i dun hav much to do too, thanks for all the laughter today, the aircon, and all the other crap haha. hope all these study sessions wun go to waste, hope we all can do well for prelims!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 8:19 PM
everyday is special, everyday is a blessing. yes i studied again this time at nanyang cc, i think the results was nt that bad? haha its rather quiet and condusive for study, perhaps a little cramp on the table, yes i need to use a big big area, haha tmr studying with jr, filbert and wy. see how it goes! cya.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 8:15 PM
once in a million
HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY TO LIANXIN! have a great birthday. study again. like i dont think there is any other activity that i can do without guilt other than studying... lol. somethings just can't be changed. haha sch reopen back to normal. i think its a good thing. coz i kinda miss sch bt i think many would rather vote for another week off. well just pray that after this our sch dun get any case, or else must close 7 days omfggg/ so dumb?./ you're one in a million, you're once in a lifetime.
Monday, June 22, 2009, 7:46 PM
gumball machine. i need a colourful miracle. studied at mac today, zzz that guy is still as funny as ever, ask him where is he, he say help me buy sausage macmuffin LOL?! da fei suo wen... yea H1N1 is gg on and on more ppl everyday. isit gg to be another SARS thing? who knows nobody does.haha guess i am too lazy to count how many papers i did. don't quite bother bt i cant stand it when i dun hav the answers, yes the best answers shd be our brain bt we are nt at that lvl yet la. Mac's aircon is like the northpole. and heres a song that i think makes quite alot of sense,. its kinda old? bt still it depicts life so truly. 梁文福 - 一步一步來 童年時候多自在 樣樣都可愛 哥哥天天上學去 我等著他回來 我問爸爸何時我也讓那校車載 爸爸笑著對我說 一步一步來 上了學校才知道 考試不可愛 上課總是看手表 哎喲假期幾時來 我問老師何時才能將那方帽戴 老師笑著對我說 一步一步來 太陽下山明早依舊爬上來 夜裡不要通宵看那錄像帶 花兒謝了明年還是一樣地開 考不好未必有機會重頭來 十七八歲多古怪 學人談戀 情書寫了十多封 在車站苦等待 吃飯跳舞真不壞 送她回家說good night 她的媽媽開門說 你給我一步一步 來畢了業我才知道 社會更可愛 應徵前後幾十次 只有一次沒失敗 薪水不敢說出來 夜裡要把工開 現在行情壞 我的老板說 你要一步一步來 太陽下山明早依舊爬上來 星期天能不能慢點爬上來 花兒謝了明年還是一樣地開 哪家公司今年又將人員裁 結了婚我才知道 什麼叫做債 老婆總算娶回來 沒錢生小乖乖 家俱電器真不賴 價錢更精彩 夜夜繽紛看開懷 其他一步一步來 什麼時候駕著車往兒子學校開 放學的兒子告訴我他明天考天才 天才不是人人做 平凡也不壞 我說搭巴士也要把隊排 你要一步一步 來太陽下山明早依舊爬上來 高樓再高它還是要爬上來 花兒謝了明年還是一樣地開 只要空氣還沒污染得太壞\ 太陽下山明早依舊爬上來 我的青春匆匆地鐵那樣快 花兒謝了明年還是一樣地開 人生最好還是一步一步來
Saturday, June 20, 2009, 8:58 PM
The sky's the limit. -to the new H1N1 virus, anyone can get it anywhere, anytime. LOL yeah, stupid H1N1, guess its almost very possible that the sch hols may be extended.. good or no good i think its... nvm kinda horrible its like xian tian hou ku, if the holidays are gg to be extended, it also means that prelim1 will be pushed back and we would have less time to study for prelim 2, think the whole scheldule is gg to be abit cock up. yeah bt who knows wads gg to be up next, the cases of the virus has been up to 100 over cases in singapore. so just be prepared. studies side is look abit... started on amath today, like the first time in dunno how many weeks. ya either i study or i'm gg to fail the exam. so study lo... bt study ald also no use i dun understand. haiz nvm, amath is a subj that i dun mind failing, because i know myself i hate it and havent been putting in much effort, if anyone can change this, only i can=.=/// live with the facts of life, no one's good at everything -master self-consoler. LOLXP
Friday, June 19, 2009, 8:12 PM
will my efforts bloom, or will they just stay as potential flowers forever? Went to lib to study with jr and yb, yeah at least i done some stuff today emath, chem and phyp2! yeah, sometimes i think chem mcq is more toturing then phyp2 and emath papers are just the same 1 or 2. 11 days count down to GE1 or grad exam 1(why one coz there's a 2, duh...) In less then 14 days time, i would be drowing in exam papers and then face a total tragedy of my results, ok i shall be pessimistic, vast improvement in results:) hah i hope so, but certainly not rly progressin well with a fews kinks in some subjs. haha. study hard!!! hope evtg gets better when sch reopens, and fighter, fighton! and LEVEL UP!!! haha don't judge me.
Thursday, June 18, 2009, 9:51 PM
My engine's breaking down. need some lubricant to gear up...
haiz, boring and vicious cycle of life, heard that there might be another week of hols due to H1N1, lucky or catastrophe? haha diff ppl will hav diff perceptions, and also depends on how u make use of it, hah. feel like gg sentosa for a good game of beach volley, but guess everyone's dwelling in their tys(Training-Your-Stamina) and Past year papers, like wad lx said, PYP on in other words (Preparing Your Prelims). zzz lifes a cycle, a boring boring cycle. Drowning myself in PYP, TYS, and of coz not forgeting the PPP(Physics Practice Pancake=.=) for the past few days and i feel like literally drowning. math's volume one can kill in a single shot, PPP's qns(which i take so much time to ponder over and still cant get the answers) are a million times more difficult that the TYS's qns(which i can complete in 30 mins without much trouble), haiz the difference, guess everysch would like to gear up their students and meet the hell before they take earth's paper. Ok after all those PPP, PYP, TYS and all that crap lets all have a good laugh after all laughter's the best medicine:) here's a few statements frm the book i've read recently *for females, and males who wish to have another perspective* 1. The only difference men and boys is the price of their toys. 2. All men are the same, they just have different faces so you can tell them apart. -Marilyn Monroe 3. A women's scoring system for her husband,
Everyday Domestic Duties You check out a suspicious noise late at night and its nothing +1 You check out a suspicious noise late at night and its something +3 You smash it with a six iron +10 Its her father -10
Social Events You stay by her side during the whole party +5 You stay with her for a while, then go chat with an old school pal -2 Named Charlotte -9 When mingling, you hold her hand and gazee at her lovingly +4 When mingling, you introduc her as "the trouble and strife" and pat her on the rear -5
Gifts You buy her flowers, but only when its expected +0 You don't buy her flowers when its expected -10 You buy her flowers as a surprise +5 You give woldflowers you've handpicked youself +10 She smells them and gets stung by an Afican tsetse fly -25 adapted from the book "Why men don't have a clue and women always need shoes" its a nice book got read one. haha
Wednesday, June 17, 2009, 8:22 PM
wow the effiel tower, will i ever be able to go there one day? scheduled out my timetable, 4 things to do a day spending at most 8 hrs in total hope this style works for me, today its working out quite nicely with just physics due at midnight before tmr. yeah man physics shd nt need a very long time:) testpaper count for this hols is fourteen! i hope i dindnt do them for nothing. eureka, choir wadeva, i hope all these will end soon, and of coz with a happy ending.
life is a road that i want to keep going.
Monday, June 15, 2009, 10:50 PM
thats life
tensional compressional i dunno why i feel very unconfortable studying with friends, that feeling that just isnt right, esp in any other places other than the school dk, that probably the introverted side of me? dun rly feel like talking much these days. i don't feel like myself these days. i don't even feel like doing anything else other than sleeping. school sick, oh let sch reopen soon.
Sunday, June 14, 2009, 8:10 PM
- 3x10⁸
for the past days have been doing papers after papers and i still cant find the answer, guess those papers are more to train my speed and familiarity rather than accuracy, if i dun hav a chance to seek the answers i would probably get nothing out of it.
H1N1 school close wadeva, its ridiculous that students are deprived from consultation, nt everyone is so lucky to hav tuition or to hav siblings or parents that can help them, none of my parents even reached sec 4,=.=, its so pointless to keep practicing and dun get answers. not only dose it break the motivation it kinda breaks the drive to go on coz i dun improve after doing the papers argh.
i hope i'm not doing it for nothing. wished i can travel at the speed of light.forget abt evtg for tmr's bright.